Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek

Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek, a captivating journey through Bhutan's pristine wilderness, famed for its scenic high-altitude lakes and breathtaking Himalayan views. Ideal for those seeking both challenge and tranquility, this trek navigates through remote paths, offering panoramic vistas that include some of the most enchanting landscapes in Bhutan. The best time to undertake this trek is during the spring months of April to June or the crisp autumn days of September to October, ensuring pleasant weather and vibrant natural scenery. Along the way, trekkers can experience the rich flora and fauna, including diverse bird species and the elusive blue sheep, adding an element of wildlife exploration to the adventure. Whether you are a seasoned trekker or looking to expand your horizons, the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek provides a unique blend of physical challenge and the serenity of nature, making it a must-visit for those exploring trekking in Bhutan.

Amen Bhutan Tours and Treks is widely recognized as the premier company for embarking on the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek. With their deep expertise and commitment to providing exceptional service, they have established themselves as leaders in the field of trekking tours in Bhutan. Their knowledgeable guides, meticulous attention to safety, and personalized itineraries ensure that each trekker has a memorable and fulfilling experience. Whether you're a novice or an experienced trekker, Amen Bhutan Tours and Treks offers a seamless and enriching adventure through one of Bhutan's most beautiful and tranquil landscapes. Choosing this company means opting for an expertly guided journey that highlights the best of the Dagala Thousand Lakes and its breathtaking surroundings.

Scenic Lakes

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek is renowned for its array of stunning high-altitude lakes, each offering its own unique and serene vista. These lakes are quintessential features of the trek, drawing nature enthusiasts and photographers alike to witness their tranquil beauty. Here’s a closer look at some of the scenic lakes you can expect to encounter on this trek:

Lake in Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek


  • Lake Tsatse: Nestled amidst lush greenery, this lake reflects the sky and surrounding peaks in its crystal-clear waters, creating a mesmerizing mirror image.
  • Lake Relitso: Surrounded by alpine meadows and dwarf shrubs, Lake Relitso is a favorite among trekkers for its idyllic setting and the peaceful ambiance it offers.
  • Lake Setso and Jagetso: These twin lakes are highlights of the trek, known for their deep blue waters and the panoramic views of the mountainous horizon.
  • Lake Umtso: A larger body of water famous for its trout population, Lake Umtso is a popular spot for fishing enthusiasts, as well as those looking to enjoy a quiet moment by the water.
  • Lake Hentsho: Offering a rugged backdrop of stark mountain scenery contrasted with the vibrant colors of wildflowers during the bloom season, this lake is a picturesque spot for rest and rejuvenation.

These lakes are not only visually stunning but also serve as habitats for a variety of wildlife. They provide key water sources for the animals and are excellent for bird-watching, especially during migration periods when many species stop at these high-altitude waters. The opportunity to trek from lake to lake, discovering each one's unique environment and beauty, makes the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek a truly exceptional experience for those seeking solitude and natural beauty.

Panoramic Views of the Himalayas

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek in Bhutan is particularly celebrated for its spectacular panoramic views of the Himalayas. This trek offers a unique vantage point from which trekkers can feast their eyes on a wide array of majestic peaks. Here are some of the remarkable Himalayan views that you can expect along the route:

Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek
  • Mount Everest: On clear days, trekkers can catch a glimpse of the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest, looming in the distance. The sight of this iconic mountain from such an exclusive and remote location is truly awe-inspiring.
  • Mount Jomolhari: Often referred to as the "bride of Kangchenjunga," Mount Jomolhari stands as a dominant and sacred peak visible from various points along the trek. Its impressive presence is a highlight for many hikers.
  • Masang Gang: This peak in the remote Laya region is another spectacular sight, known for its dramatic and rugged contours. Viewing it from the Dagala range offers a fresh and striking perspective.
  • Jichu Drake: Considered a sacred mountain by the local Bhutanese, Jichu Drake is an arresting sight with its sharp, craggy peaks that contrast beautifully against the skyline.
  • Tshering Gang: Known for its towering and majestic appearance, Tshering Gang is one of the lesser-known peaks that can be seen clearly from the trek, adding to the sense of discovery and exploration.

These views encapsulate the grandeur of the Himalayas and provide a rewarding payoff for the physical challenges of the trek. Each day’s journey brings new peaks into view, offering ongoing inspiration and a profound sense of achievement. The ever-changing light and shadows cast across these mountains create dynamic and breathtaking landscapes, making the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek an unforgettable visual experience.

Diverse Flora and Fauna

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek offers a wonderful opportunity to explore a rich diversity of flora and fauna across varying ecological zones, from lush subalpine forests to expansive alpine meadows. Here's a detailed look at the variety of plant life and wildlife you can encounter along this trek.

Wildlife Spotting during Dagala Thousand lakes Trek


The trek features a wide range of plant species, adapted to the changing altitudes and environments:

  • Rhododendron Forests: The journey starts with trekking through dense rhododendron forests. These forests light up with vibrant colors when the rhododendrons bloom in spring, providing a spectacular display.
  • High-Altitude Shrubs: As the altitude increases, the dense forests give way to scrubby high-altitude shrubs, which are adapted to the harsher conditions of higher elevations.
  • Alpine Meadows: Vast alpine meadows take over closer to the peaks, where during the warmer months, they are carpeted with a multitude of wildflowers, creating a vivid kaleidoscope of colors against the rugged terrain.
  • Edelweiss: Among the unique alpine flowers, trekkers can spot the iconic edelweiss, a symbol of the high mountains and valued for its rarity and beauty.
  • Juniper Trees: Scattered juniper trees can be found at certain altitudes, often used by locals for incense due to their aromatic properties.


The trek also allows for encounters with various high-altitude wildlife species:

  • Birds: The area is a paradise for bird watchers, with the chance to see the Himalayan Monal, noted for its colorful feathers, and the Blood Pheasant, among other species.
  • Mammals: The elusive Blue Sheep is a common sight, adapted to the steep terrain. The trek might also offer glimpses of the Himalayan Marmot and, on rare occasions, the majestic Snow Leopard.
  • Butterflies and Insects: A variety of butterflies and other insects are also abundant, each adapted to the unique conditions of the trek’s diverse habitats.

Experiencing this diverse flora and fauna adds an enriching dimension to the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek, enhancing the adventure with opportunities for photography, observation, and simply enjoying the natural beauty of Bhutan’s wilderness.

Cultural Interaction

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek provides not only a journey through breathtaking natural landscapes but also offers unique opportunities for cultural interaction with the local Bhutanese communities. These encounters enrich the trekking experience by providing insights into the traditional lifestyles and customs of the people living in these remote highlands.

  • Yak Herders’ Camps: One of the most significant cultural interactions on the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek is with the nomadic yak herders. The trek passes through several yak herding camps where trekkers can observe and even participate in the daily routines of the herders. These communities are dependent on yaks for milk, cheese, meat, and wool, and witnessing their way of life provides a fascinating glimpse into a lifestyle that has remained largely unchanged for centuries.
  • Traditional Bhutanese Villages: Along the route, the trek also skirts around or passes through small traditional villages. In these villages, trekkers can see rustic stone houses and meet locals who often share stories and offer warm hospitality. Interaction with villagers can include sharing a meal or a cup of traditional butter tea, a staple in Bhutanese diet.
  • Festivals and Spiritual Sites: If timed right, the trek can coincide with local festivals which are vibrant, colorful, and rich in cultural significance. These festivals often involve traditional music, dance, and attire, providing a deep dive into Bhutanese culture and community celebration.
  • Buddhist Monasteries and Shrines: The trek route is dotted with various ancient Buddhist monasteries and shrines. These spiritual sites are not only architecturally beautiful but are also places of deep religious importance for the local communities. Visiting these sites offers trekkers insight into the spiritual practices that are integral to Bhutanese life. The presence of prayer flags fluttering in the wind, mani stones engraved with prayers, and small altar rooms in these monasteries enriches the spiritual aspect of the trek.

These cultural interactions provide a profound understanding of the traditional Bhutanese way of life, adding an invaluable dimension to the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek. They allow trekkers to connect more deeply with the country and its people, bridging the gap between being a visitor and becoming a participant in the local culture.

Fishing Opportunities

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek offers trekkers unique opportunities to engage in fishing amidst some of Bhutan's most serene and picturesque high-altitude lakes. Here are some highlights of the fishing experiences available on this trek:



  • Variety of Fish Species: The lakes are home to a variety of trout species, including the brown and rainbow trout, which provide a rewarding challenge for anglers.
  • Scenic Fishing Locations: Enjoy fishing in tranquil waters surrounded by stunning mountainous landscapes, offering a peaceful escape into nature.
  • Catch and Release Fishing: Engage in responsible fishing practices such as catch and release, ensuring the sustainability of fish populations in these pristine lakes.
  • Fishing as a Meditative Practice: Use fishing as a way to connect with the environment, embracing the quiet and meditative aspects of angling in such untouched surroundings.
  • Guided Fishing Tours: Benefit from guided fishing tours offered by local experts who know the best spots and techniques for successful fishing in the region.

These fishing opportunities add an extra layer of adventure to the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek, appealing to both novice and experienced anglers looking for a unique way to experience Bhutan's natural beauty.

Challenging Passes

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek includes several challenging mountain passes that add an element of adventure and excitement to the journey. These passes not only test the physical and mental stamina of trekkers but also reward them with unparalleled views and a deep sense of accomplishment. Here are some key points about the challenging passes encountered on this trek:

Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek
  • Varied Altitude: The trek involves navigating through passes that vary significantly in altitude, pushing the limits of even experienced trekkers. These elevations provide a rigorous workout and are excellent for acclimatization.
  • Stunning Panoramas: Each pass offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding peaks and valleys. On clear days, you can see several prominent Himalayan peaks, including distant views of Mount Everest.
  • Diverse Terrain: The terrain of these passes includes rocky paths, narrow ridges, and occasionally steep inclines. Trekkers need to be well-prepared with proper gear and have a good level of physical fitness.
  • Weather Conditions: Mountain passes can be unpredictable with sudden changes in weather, adding to the challenge. Proper planning and flexibility in the itinerary are essential to safely navigate these high-altitude conditions.
  • Sense of Achievement: Crossing these passes gives trekkers a profound sense of achievement and exhilaration. It’s a testament to their endurance and trekking skills, making the completion of each pass a memorable part of the trek.

Navigating through these challenging passes on the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek offers a thrilling and fulfilling experience, making it a standout adventure for those seeking to test their trekking prowess against the rugged beauty of the Bhutanese highlands.

Isolation and Solitude

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek is highly valued for its profound sense of isolation and solitude, offering trekkers a unique opportunity to disconnect from the bustling world and immerse themselves in the tranquility of nature. Here’s why this trek is a sanctuary for those seeking solitude:

  • Secluded Trails: The trek follows less-traveled paths that weave through remote areas of Bhutan, ensuring a peaceful journey away from the crowded tourist routes.
  • Natural Tranquility: Surrounded by pristine landscapes, trekkers are enveloped in the quiet beauty of nature, with the sounds of wind, water, and wildlife as their only companions.
  • Spiritual Solitude: The serene environment and the presence of sacred sites along the trek route provide a perfect setting for meditation and spiritual reflection, enhancing the sense of solitude.
  • Minimal Human Interaction: Apart from occasional encounters with local herders or small rural communities, trekkers can experience days without seeing other tourists, allowing for a personal and introspective journey.
  • Disconnect from Modern Distractions: With limited access to mobile networks and internet, the trek offers a true break from digital distractions, compelling trekkers to focus on their surroundings and inner thoughts.
  • Therapeutic Environment: The clean air, clear waters, and the overall tranquility of the high-altitude environment have a therapeutic effect, aiding in mental relaxation and stress relief.

The isolation and solitude found on the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek make it not just a physical journey but also a profound emotional and spiritual experience, providing trekkers with a rare chance to reconnect with themselves and nature at a deeper level.

Best Time for Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek in Bhutan offers its best experiences during specific times of the year when the weather is most favorable for trekking. Here’s a look at the best times to undertake this beautiful high-altitude journey:

Spring (April to June)

  • Weather: The spring months bring moderate temperatures and clearer skies, making it ideal for trekking. This period is also before the onset of the monsoon, so trails are generally dry and safe.
  • Scenery: Spring is a vibrant time in Bhutan, with rhododendrons and other wildflowers blooming across the meadows, painting the landscape in bright colors. The visibility is also excellent, offering clear views of the Himalayan peaks.
  • Wildlife: This is a great time for bird watchers, as many migratory species return or pass through the region.

Autumn (September to October)

  • Weather: Autumn is another popular season for trekking as the monsoon rains have subsided, leaving the air fresh and the skies clear. The weather is stable, with minimal rainfall and comfortable temperatures.
  • Scenery: The post-monsoon clarity enhances the panoramic views of the mountains, and the landscapes are lush after the rainy season. Autumn also provides some of the best sunsets and sunrises over the Himalayas.
  • Cultural Experience: Autumn coincides with several Bhutanese festivals, including the famous Thimphu Tshechu. Trekking during this season offers the cultural bonus of experiencing these vibrant festivals.

Both spring and autumn are considered the best times for the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek due to the optimal weather conditions, enhanced scenic beauty, and additional cultural experiences available. These seasons allow trekkers to fully enjoy the natural and cultural richness of Bhutan while ensuring a comfortable and safe trekking experience.

Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek Safety Tips

Embarking on the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek is an exhilarating adventure, but it's crucial to prioritize safety to ensure a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Here are some essential safety tips for trekkers planning to take on this high-altitude journey:

  • Acclimate Properly: The trek reaches significant altitudes, where oxygen levels are lower. Take time to acclimatize to prevent altitude sickness. Consider spending a few days at a moderate altitude and ascend slowly.
  • Hire Experienced Guides: Always trek with a knowledgeable guide who knows the terrain and can navigate through remote and challenging paths. Local guides also provide valuable insights into local culture and natural history.
  • Prepare for Weather Changes: Weather in the mountains can change rapidly. Wear and carry layered clothing to adjust easily between warm and cold temperatures. Include waterproof and windproof gear.
  • Carry Essential Gear: Ensure you have a good pair of trekking boots, a comfortable backpack, and a quality sleeping bag suited for low temperatures. Walking poles can also help with balance and reduce strain on the knees.
  • Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Drink plenty of water and carry snacks or energy bars. High-altitude trekking can be dehydrating, and keeping energy levels up is crucial.
  • Respect the Environment: Keep the trails clean and dispose of waste properly. Respect the natural habitat and avoid disturbing wildlife.
  • Obtain Necessary Permits: Ensure all necessary trekking permits are obtained. Your tour operator, like Amen Bhutan Tours and Treks, can assist in securing these documents.
  • Communicate with Your Group: Maintain a reasonable pace where the entire group can stay together. Regularly check on each other's condition, especially in remote areas.
  • Plan for Emergencies: Carry a basic first aid kit and learn how to use it. It's also wise to have travel insurance that covers high-altitude trekking and medical evacuation.
  • Respect Local Customs and Practices: Be aware of and respectful towards the local customs and religious practices. This respect not only enriches your trekking experience but also helps in building rapport with the local communities.

By following these safety tips, trekkers can enhance their Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek experience, ensuring that they enjoy the stunning natural beauty and unique cultural aspects safely and responsibly.

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek offers a remarkable journey through Bhutan's less-trodden paths, revealing a landscape dotted with tranquil lakes and stunning Himalayan vistas. Ideal for those seeking solitude and a connection with nature, it combines physical challenge with spiritual renewal. As you navigate through high-altitude passes and serene lakes, you'll experience the rich biodiversity and vibrant cultures of Bhutan. Ensuring preparedness and respect for the environment and local customs will enhance your trekking experience, making the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek not just a physical journey, but a profound personal exploration.

FAQs on  Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek

Q: What is the best time to go on the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek?

A: The best times to undertake the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek are during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October). These seasons offer the most stable weather conditions, clear skies, and vibrant natural scenery.

Q: How difficult is the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek?

A: The trek is considered moderate to challenging. It requires good physical fitness due to its high altitudes, rugged terrains, and the length of the trek. Previous trekking experience is beneficial.

Q: What are the main attractions of the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek?

A: The trek is famed for its stunning high-altitude lakes, panoramic views of the Himalayan peaks, diverse flora and fauna, and the opportunity to experience traditional Bhutanese pastoral life.

Q: Do I need a guide for the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek?

A: Yes, a guide is essential for navigating the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek. Guides ensure safety, provide valuable insights into the local culture and environment, and are required by Bhutanese law for all trekking activities.

Q: What should I pack for the trek?

A: Essential items include waterproof and warm clothing, sturdy trekking boots, a sleeping bag suitable for low temperatures, a first-aid kit, sunscreen, sunglasses, a water purification method, and enough food and snacks for the journey. Don't forget to bring a camera to capture the stunning scenery.

Q: How long does the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek take?

A: The trek usually takes about 6 to 7 days, depending on the exact route and the pace of trekking.

Q: Are there any permits required for this trek?

A: Yes, trekkers need to obtain a route permit and a visa for Bhutan. These are typically arranged by your tour operator.

Q: What kind of wildlife might I see on the trek?

A: The area is home to various species of birds, blue sheep, marmots, and occasionally, if very lucky, trekkers might spot the elusive snow leopard.

Q: Is there fishing allowed on the lakes?

A: Fishing is permitted in some of the lakes, but it's important to confirm with local authorities or your tour operator, as rules can change. Always practice catch-and-release fishing to preserve the ecological balance.

Q: What are the camping conditions like during the trek?

A: The trek involves camping in designated areas. These sites are basic and require trekkers to be fully self-sufficient. Your tour operator will generally handle the logistics of campsites, including tents and meals.

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Gaurav Lamichhane
Mr. Gaurav Lamichhane