Things You Must Know Before Making Trip to Bhutan

Embarking on a journey to Bhutan requires a thoughtful understanding of its unique cultural and geographical landscape, and Amen Bhutan Tours and Treks is your trusted partner in ensuring an enriching and seamless experience. Before you set foot in this mystical kingdom, it's essential to appreciate Bhutan's commitment to preserving its rich heritage and fostering sustainable tourism. Amen Bhutan Tours and Treks stands as a beacon of expertise, offering valuable insights and meticulously crafted itineraries that allow travelers to delve into the heart of Bhutan's spirituality, vibrant festivals, and breathtaking landscapes, all while prioritizing responsible travel practices. With a commitment to personalized service and a deep respect for Bhutanese traditions, the journey with Amen Bhutan Tours and Treks promises not just a vacation but an immersion into the soul-stirring essence of the last Himalayan kingdom.

Here's what you need to know before you go.

Visa Requirement (Process)

Before embarking on a trip to Bhutan, understanding the visa requirements is paramount. Travelers must obtain a visa in advance, and this process is facilitated through authorized Bhutanese tour operators. The Tourism Council of Bhutan manages visa applications, emphasizing the country's commitment to sustainable tourism. It's important for prospective visitors to plan their journey with a licensed Bhutanese guide, as the country follows a minimum daily package policy, encompassing accommodation, meals, transportation, and guide services. Adhering to these guidelines ensures a seamless entry into Bhutan and supports the nation's efforts to preserve its unique cultural and environmental heritage.

Daily Fee and SDF

Bhutan imposes a mandatory minimum daily fee for tourists, which covers accommodation, meals, a licensed guide, and transportation within the country. This fee varies depending on the night and the number of travelers in your group. As per as latest news the new SDF of Bhutan Tour is $100 per person per night. 

Tour Guides

When planning a trip to Bhutan, it's essential to be aware of the requirement to have a licensed Bhutanese tour guide accompany you throughout your stay. Bhutan enforces this rule to ensure a deeper cultural understanding for visitors and to promote sustainable tourism. These guides contribute to the immersive experience by providing insights into local customs, history, and traditions. Travelers are encouraged to embrace this unique aspect of Bhutanese tourism, enhancing their journey with the expertise and guidance of knowledgeable local guides.



Tour/Trekking Permits

When planning a trip to Bhutan, it's crucial to navigate the country's unique permit system. Travelers must secure a tourist visa through a licensed Bhutanese tour operator, who also facilitates permits for specific regions or trekking routes. Bhutan's government enforces a minimum daily package covering accommodation, meals, transportation, and a guide to promote sustainable tourism. This well-regulated approach ensures an immersive and culturally enriching experience. Prioritize understanding the permit requirements, work closely with your tour operator, and embrace the opportunity to explore Bhutan's captivating landscapes and vibrant culture.

Flight Options (Druk Air / Bhutan Air)

The main international airport in Bhutan is Paro International Airport, and the country's national airlines Druk Air and Bhutan Airlines operate flights to and from various destinations, including Delhi, Kathmandu, Bangkok, and Singapore. Direct flights to Paro are limited, and travelers often need to transit through these cities. Additionally, flight schedules to Bhutan can be subject to weather conditions, particularly in the mountainous region around Paro. Checking with airlines, booking well in advance, and remaining flexible with travel dates can contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable journey to the Land of the Thunder Dragon.

Travel Insurance 

It is mandatory to obtain travel insurance before your trip to Bhutan and to ensure that it meets the specific requirements set by the Tourism Council. Bhutan's Tourism Council requires all tourists to have travel insurance that covers emergency medical evacuation (minimum coverage of $250,000). You may be asked to provide proof of insurance when obtaining your visa. Additionally, check with your chosen tour operator or travel agency in Bhutan to confirm any additional requirements or recommendations regarding travel insurance. 

Climate and Clothing

Bhutan, located in the eastern Himalayas, experiences a diverse range of climates due to its varying altitudes. However, the climate in Bhutan is Hard to generalize since Bhutan's weather is challenging to determine. The Himalayan climate of Bhutan varies enormously from one region to another. As a result, the choice of clothing should be adapted to the specific weather conditions of the area you plan to visit.

Bhutan has four seasons and the temperature is not the same everywhere, even in the same season.

Spring: March, April, and May

Summer: June, July, and August

Autumn: September, October, and November

Winter: December, January, and February


When planning a trip to Bhutan, it's essential to be aware of the currency used in the country. Bhutan's official currency is the Ngultrum (BTN), but Indian Rupees are widely accepted. Travelers should be prepared to use local currency for transactions, and it's advisable to exchange or obtain Ngultrum upon arrival. Additionally, it's beneficial to check the current exchange rates and have a mix of small denominations, as smaller towns and markets may prefer cash transactions. Having a basic understanding of the local currency ensures a smoother experience when navigating through Bhutan's unique and culturally rich destinations.

Altitude Sickness

Bhutan's higher altitudes can cause altitude sickness. If you plan to visit places like Paro or Punakha, which are above 2,000 meters (6,500 feet), acclimatize gradually, stay hydrated, and consult your doctor if necessary. For those planning a trip to Bhutan, being aware of altitude sickness is paramount. The country's varying altitudes, with some locations reaching high elevations, necessitate a gradual acclimatization process. Travelers should stay hydrated, avoid strenuous activities upon arrival, and consider medications like acetazolamide to alleviate symptoms. It's crucial to listen to your body, prioritize gradual ascents, and be mindful of the potential effects of altitude to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in Bhutan's breathtaking landscapes.

Photography and Drone Usage

 While photography is generally allowed, some religious sites may have restrictions, so it's advisable to seek permission before capturing images. Additionally, the use of drones is prohibited in Bhutan without explicit authorization from the Civil Aviation Authority. Respecting these guidelines ensures a respectful and harmonious experience, allowing travelers to appreciate Bhutan's breathtaking scenery and cultural treasures without compromising local sensitivities or privacy.

Language in Bhutan

Dzongkha is the official language, but English is widely spoken, especially in tourist areas. Having a basic grasp of common phrases in Dzongkha can enhance your cultural experience and interactions with locals. While language barriers are minimal, showcasing an appreciation for the Bhutanese language can foster positive connections during your exploration of this enchanting destination.



Wi-Fi and Mobile Connectivity

Urban areas generally have decent coverage, remote regions may experience limited network access. It's advisable to check with your mobile service provider regarding international roaming options and data plans. Consider purchasing a local SIM card upon arrival for more reliable connectivity. Embracing the possibility of intermittent network availability allows travelers to fully immerse themselves in Bhutan's serene landscapes and rich cultural experiences, while staying connected when needed.

Dress Code

Respecting Bhutan's dress code is essential for a culturally sensitive experience. The traditional attire, especially for visits to religious sites, involves covering the shoulders, chest, and knees for both men and women. It is recommended to wear modest and conservative clothing to show respect for local customs. Additionally, when attending festivals or formal events, it's customary to dress in the traditional Bhutanese attire, known as the "kira" for women and "gho" for men. Adhering to these clothing guidelines ensures a harmonious integration with the local culture and enhances the overall travel experience in Bhutan.

Local Cuisine 

Exploring Bhutan's local cuisine is a must for any traveler, offering a unique gastronomic experience. The national dish, Ema Datshi, a spicy blend of chilies and cheese, is a culinary delight worth trying. Bhutanese cuisine is known for its bold flavors, incorporating red rice, buckwheat, and a variety of locally grown vegetables. Don't miss out on trying dishes like Phaksha Paa (pork with red chilies) and Momos (dumplings). While traditional food is prevalent, international cuisine is also available in urban areas. Embrace the opportunity to savor the distinctive flavors of Bhutan, making your culinary journey an integral part of your travel adventure.

Respect for culture and environment 

Respect for culture and the environment is of utmost importance in Bhutan, and the country has policies and practices in place to preserve its unique heritage and natural beauty. Bhutan's commitment to Gross National Happiness, which includes environmental and cultural well-being, makes it a unique and inspiring destination. By respecting the culture and environment, visitors contribute to the sustainability of Bhutan's rich heritage and pristine landscapes.

Health Precautions

Prioritizing health precautions is vital when planning a visit to Bhutan. Given the varying altitudes and potential for altitude sickness, it's advisable to acclimatize gradually. Pack any necessary medications and ensure your travel insurance covers potential medical emergencies. Additionally, be mindful of local water and food safety practices to prevent gastrointestinal issues. Stay hydrated, protect yourself from the sun at higher altitudes, and consider consulting with a healthcare professional before your trip to address specific health concerns. Being proactive about health measures ensures a safe and enjoyable exploration of Bhutan's unique landscapes and cultural gems.



Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. Do I Need a Visa to Visit Bhutan?

A. Yes, all foreign nationals, except for citizens of India, Bangladesh, and the Maldives, need a visa to enter Bhutan. The visa must be obtained through an approved tour operator, and a pre-planned itinerary is required.

Q. What is the Best Time to Visit Bhutan?

A. The ideal time to visit Bhutan is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is generally mild and favorable for outdoor activities.

Q. What Currency is Used in Bhutan?

A. The official currency of Bhutan is the Bhutanese Ngultrum (BTN), and Indian Rupees are also widely accepted. It's advisable to carry both currencies.

Q. Is Bhutan a Safe Destination?

A. Bhutan is considered a safe destination for travelers. The country prioritizes its citizens' well-being and has a low crime rate. However, like any other destination, it's essential to take standard safety precautions.

Q. How Should I Dress in Bhutan?

A. Bhutan has a dress code, and it is recommended to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites. Both men and women are encouraged to wear long skirts or trousers, and men usually wear a knee-length robe called a "gho."

Q. What is the Minimum Daily Package for Tourists in Bhutan?

A. Bhutan has a minimum daily package requirement for tourists, which includes accommodation, meals, a licensed guide, and transportation. As per as latest news the new SDF of Bhutan Tour is $100 per person per night

Q. Can I Travel Independently in Bhutan?

A. No, independent travel is not allowed in Bhutan. Tourists must book their trip through an authorized tour operator, and a licensed guide must accompany them during their entire stay.

Q. Are there Restrictions on Photography in Bhutan?

A. While photography is generally allowed, there may be restrictions in certain religious or cultural sites. It's essential to ask for permission before taking pictures, especially in temples and monasteries.

Q. What Altitude Sickness Precautions Should I Take?

A. Bhutan has varying altitudes, and travelers should acclimatize gradually to prevent altitude sickness. It's recommended to stay hydrated, avoid alcohol, and be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness.

Q. What Cultural Etiquette Should I Follow?

A. Visitors should be respectful of Bhutanese customs and traditions. It's customary to walk clockwise around religious monuments, show respect to elders, and ask for permission before entering someone's home.

 As you prepare for your Bhutanese adventure, Amen Bhutan Tours and Treks emerges as the ideal companion, offering a wealth of knowledge and support. Recognizing the significance of responsible tourism and cultural appreciation, the company ensures that your journey is not just about visiting a destination but about forging meaningful connections with Bhutan's heritage and its warm-hearted people. With Amen Bhutan Tours and Treks, your trip becomes a curated exploration, where every detail is crafted to enhance your understanding of Bhutan's unique blend of tradition and modernity, making it an unforgettable and transformative travel experience.

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Gaurav Lamichhane
Mr. Gaurav Lamichhane