Information of Bhutan Tour

Bhutan's tourism policy aims to ensure a high-quality and sustainable travel experience, which contributes to the overall expenses. Despite the minimum daily package, many travelers find the experience of visiting Bhutan well worth the investment due to its unique cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and the opportunity to witness a truly special country.

Why visit Bhutan

You should visit Bhutan for a variety of compelling reasons:

Unique Cultural Experience: Bhutan offers a rare opportunity to immerse oneself in a distinct and well-preserved culture. The Bhutanese people take great pride in their traditions, and visitors can witness traditional festivals, experience the warmth of their hospitality, and explore ancient monasteries and dzongs that are integral to Bhutan's identity.

Gross National Happiness (GNH): Bhutan's unique philosophy of prioritizing the well-being and happiness of its citizens over material wealth makes it an intriguing destination. Experiencing a society that values happiness and contentment can be enlightening and inspiring.

Stunning Landscapes: Bhutan's natural beauty is awe-inspiring, with its majestic Himalayan mountains, lush valleys, and pristine forests. The landscapes offer excellent opportunities for trekking, hiking, and exploring the outdoors.

Tiger's Nest Monastery: The iconic Taktsang Monastery, or Tiger's Nest, perched dramatically on a Cliffside , is a must-see attraction. The hike to Tiger's Nest is not only a physical adventure but also a spiritual journey.

Limited Tourism: Bhutan's controlled tourism policy ensures a more exclusive and authentic travel experience. With a focus on sustainable tourism, visitors can appreciate the country's unspoiled beauty and preserved culture.

Spiritual Enrichment: Bhutan's strong Buddhist heritage provides an environment conducive to spiritual exploration and self-reflection. The monasteries, temples, and peaceful landscapes offer opportunities for meditation and inner peace.

Safe and Peaceful Environment: Bhutan is known for its safety and low crime rates, making it an ideal destination for solo travelers, families, and those seeking a peaceful vacation.

Bhutanese Cuisine: Trying Bhutanese food is a culinary adventure in itself. The flavorful and spicy dishes offer a unique gastronomic experience.

Traditional Dress: Seeing the Bhutanese people dressed in their traditional Gho and Kira adds to the cultural charm of the country. Visitors can also try on these garments for a more immersive experience.

Cultural Festivals: Bhutanese festivals are vibrant and colorful celebrations that provide a window into the country's rich cultural heritage. Witnessing the traditional dance performances and mask dances is a captivating experience.

Environmental Conservation: Bhutan's commitment to preserving its environment and wildlife is commendable. Visitors can appreciate the country's pristine landscapes and contribute to sustainable tourism practices.

Escape from Modern Hectic Life: Bhutan's serene and tranquil environment allows travelers to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of modern life and embrace a more laid-back and unhurried pace.

Visiting Bhutan is not just a typical tourist experience; it's an opportunity to step into a unique world that values happiness, culture, and nature. The country's emphasis on preserving its identity and environment ensures that each visitor's journey is both rewarding and unforgettable.

How to visit Bhutan

To visit Bhutan, you must follow a few specific steps due to the country's controlled tourism policy. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to visit Bhutan:

Choose an Authorized Bhutanese Tour Operator: Bhutanese law requires all tourists, except for citizens of India, Bangladesh, and the Maldives, to book their trip through an authorized Bhutanese tour operator. These operators are registered with the Tourism Council of Bhutan and are knowledgeable about the country's regulations and culture.

Plan Your Itinerary: Work with the tour operator to plan your itinerary based on your interests, preferred travel dates, and the duration of your stay. They will help you design a personalized tour that suits your preferences and includes the places and activities you wish to experience.

Obtain Bhutanese Visa: Your tour operator will handle the visa application process on your behalf. You will need to provide them with a copy of your passport and other necessary documents. Once your visa is approved, they will send you a visa clearance letter, which you must present upon arrival in Bhutan.

Book Your Flights: Once your visa is confirmed, you can proceed to book your international flights to Paro, Bhutan's only international airport. Drukair, the national carrier, and Bhutan Airlines operate flights to and from select cities in neighboring countries like India, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore, and Bangladesh.

Pay the Daily Tariff: Bhutan follows a minimum daily package system for tourists, which includes accommodation, meals, transportation, and a guide. The daily tariff must be paid in advance to the Bhutanese government through your tour operator.

Enjoy Your Bhutan Tour: Once you arrive in Bhutan, your tour operator will receive you at the airport and take care of all logistics during your trip. Your assigned guide will accompany you throughout your journey, ensuring you have a memorable and enjoyable experience in Bhutan.

The minimum daily tariff is set by the Bhutanese government and helps to ensure sustainable and high-value tourism in the country.By following these steps and working with a reputable tour operator, you can smoothly plan and enjoy your visit to the enchanting and culturally rich kingdom of Bhutan.

Best Time to visit Bhutan

The best time to visit Bhutan depends on your preferences and the experiences you seek. Bhutan experiences four distinct seasons, each offering unique attractions and activities. The two most popular seasons for tourism are spring and autumn. Here's a breakdown of the different seasons in Bhutan:

Spring (March to May):

  • Spring is a beautiful time to visit Bhutan when the landscapes come alive with vibrant flowers, blooming rhododendrons, and lush greenery.
  • The weather is generally pleasant, with warm days and cool nights, making it ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
  • The famous ParoTsechu, one of Bhutan's biggest festivals, is usually held in spring (dates vary each year based on the lunar calendar).

Summer (June to August):

  • Summer is the monsoon season in Bhutan, characterized by intermittent heavy rains.
  • While the landscapes remain lush and green, the weather can be unpredictable, and some trekking routes might be challenging due to muddy trails.
  • The advantage of visiting during this time is that the tourist influx is lower, and you may find fewer crowds at popular sites.

Autumn (September to November):

  • Autumn is another fantastic time to visit Bhutan, as the weather is clear, and the skies are mostly blue. The landscapes are still green from the monsoon, and the skies offer excellent visibility for mountain views.
  • This season is ideal for trekking, and many festivals (tsechus) take place during autumn, offering a chance to witness Bhutanese culture and traditions.

Winter (December to February):

  • Winter in Bhutan is cold, especially in higher altitudes, but the skies are often clear and the mountain views spectacular.
  • Lower tourist numbers during this time mean a more peaceful and intimate experience.
  • While some high-altitude trekking routes might be closed due to snow, there are lower-altitude treks and cultural experiences available.

Overall, the spring and autumn seasons are considered the best times to visit Bhutan for a balanced experience of pleasant weather, colorful landscapes, and vibrant festivals. However, each season has its own charm, and your choice of when to visit will depend on your interests, tolerance for weather conditions, and the kind of experience you wish to have in this enchanting Himalayan kingdom.

Major cities and places to visit in Bhutan

Bhutan, though relatively small, is a country with diverse landscapes and cultural attractions. Some major cities and places to visit in Bhutan included:


It is the capital city of Bhutan, offers a range of tourist destinations that showcase the country's rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and unique traditions. Here are some of the top tourist destinations to explore in Thimphu:

  1. TashichhoDzong: One of the most prominent landmarks in Thimphu, the TashichhoDzong is an impressive fortress and the administrative center of Bhutan. It houses the offices of the King, government ministries, and religious institutions. Visitors can witness the beautiful architecture and colorful paintings inside the dzong.
  2. Buddha Dordenma Statue: This massive bronze statue of Buddha Shakyamuni sits atop a hill overlooking Thimphu. It is one of the largest Buddha statues in the world, and its serene presence offers breathtaking views of the city and surrounding mountains.
  3. National Textile Museum: For those interested in Bhutanese textiles and weaving traditions, the National Textile Museum is a must-visit. It displays a wide collection of textiles, traditional costumes, and artifacts.

Key features of the National Textile Museum:

Collection: The museum houses an extensive collection of traditional Bhutanese textiles, including intricate handwoven fabrics, costumes, and ceremonial textiles. These textiles represent the diverse weaving styles and patterns from different regions of Bhutan.

Exhibits: The exhibits at the museum provide an in-depth look at the various textile techniques used in Bhutan, such as the intricate patterns of kushuthara, the delicate silk brocades of kira, and the colorful patterns of yathra.

Weaving Demonstrations: The museum often hosts live weaving demonstrations, where visitors can observe skilled weavers at work. It offers insights into the time-consuming and intricate process of creating these beautiful textiles.

Interactive Displays: The museum incorporates interactive displays and multimedia presentations, allowing visitors to learn more about the history, cultural significance, and symbolism behind Bhutanese textiles.

Educational Workshops: The National Textile Museum occasionally organizes educational workshops and programs, giving visitors a chance to participate in hands-on activities related to traditional textile art.

Promoting Textile Artisans: The museum plays a vital role in supporting local textile artisans and preserving traditional weaving techniques. It helps to generate awareness and appreciation for the art form, ensuring its continuity for future generations.

Gift Shop: The museum has a well-stocked gift shop where visitors can purchase authentic Bhutanese textiles, handicrafts, and souvenirs. The revenue from these sales often goes back to support local artisans and the preservation of Bhutanese weaving traditions.

Folk Heritage Museum:

The Folk Heritage Museum, also known as the PhelcheyToenkhyim, is a captivating cultural museum located in Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan. It provides visitors with an authentic insight into traditional Bhutanese rural life and showcases the country's rich cultural heritage. The museum aims to preserve and promote Bhutanese folk traditions and customs, allowing both locals and tourists to experience and appreciate the essence of Bhutanese village life.

Key features of the Folk Heritage Museum:

Authentic Bhutanese Farmhouse: The museum is housed in a beautifully restored three-story traditional Bhutanese farmhouse. The architecture, construction, and layout of the house represent typical rural Bhutanese dwellings.

Living Museum: Unlike conventional museums, the Folk Heritage Museum is a living museum, where visitors can experience firsthand how rural Bhutanese families lived in the past. The farmhouse displays the original household items and tools used by the family.

Exhibits: The museum exhibits a wide range of household artifacts, tools, and utensils, giving visitors a glimpse into the daily life of rural Bhutanese families. The displays include kitchen equipment, traditional weaving tools, agricultural implements, and religious artifacts.

Traditional Bhutanese Cuisine: The museum also offers visitors the chance to savor traditional Bhutanese dishes, served in the farmhouse kitchen. This provides an opportunity to taste authentic Bhutanese flavors and culinary traditions.

Cultural Activities: The museum occasionally hosts cultural activities and performances, such as traditional dances and folk songs. These performances offer a deeper understanding of Bhutan's vibrant cultural heritage.

Educational Experience: The Folk Heritage Museum aims to educate visitors about Bhutanese rural culture, customs, and traditions. It serves as a valuable resource for both Bhutanese students and foreign tourists interested in learning about the country's unique way of life.

Craft Demonstrations: At times, the museum organizes craft demonstrations, where local artisans showcase traditional Bhutanese crafts like weaving and pottery. Visitors can witness the intricate process of creating these crafts.

Souvenir Shop: The museum has a souvenir shop that sells traditional Bhutanese handicrafts, textiles, and other locally made products. Purchasing items from the shop supports local artisans and helps in the preservation of traditional crafts.

Memorial Chorten (ThimphuChorten):

The "ThimphuChorten," also known as the "Memorial Chorten" or "Thimphu Memorial Chorten," is a prominent religious monument located in Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan. It was built in memory of the third DrukGyalpo (Dragon King) of Bhutan, King JigmeDorjiWangchuck, who reigned from 1952 to 1972. The Chorten holds immense religious and cultural significance and is a popular pilgrimage site for both locals and tourists.

Here are some key features and information about the Thimphu Chorten:

Architecture: The ThimphuChorten follows the traditional Tibetan-style stupa architecture. It features a large central golden spire, also known as a "Gyeltshen," adorned with a gilded crescent moon and a sun at the top. The spire is surrounded by smaller stupas, known as "Nangtens," which are dedicated to various protective deities.

Religious Symbolism: Chortens, also known as stupas, hold great religious significance in Buddhism. They symbolize the enlightened mind of the Buddha and serve as places of meditation and devotion. Circumambulating (walking around) the Chorten in a clockwise direction is a common practice among devotees.

Prayer Wheels: The base of the Chorten is encircled by prayer wheels, which contain thousands of mantras (sacred chants) written on paper or etched on metal. Spinning the prayer wheels as they walk around the Chorten is believed to generate merit and blessings.

Pilgrimage Site: The ThimphuChorten is an important pilgrimage site for Bhutanese Buddhists, who visit to offer prayers, seek blessings, and engage in circumambulation. It is especially busy in the early morning and late afternoon with devotees performing religious rituals.

Local Activities: The Chorten serves as a hub for community activities and religious gatherings. You may often find locals engaging in prayer sessions, lighting butter lamps, and making offerings at the Chorten.

Festivals: During specific religious festivals (tsechus), the ThimphuChorten becomes a focal point for various cultural events, mask dances, and religious ceremonies. These festivals attract large crowds and offer a vibrant celebration of Bhutanese culture.


Paro, located in the Paro Valley, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Bhutan. It is a picturesque town with stunning landscapes, historical sites, and cultural attractions. Here are some of the top tourist destinations to explore in Paro:

  1. Taktsang Monastery (Tiger's Nest)Taktsang Monastery, commonly known as Tiger's Nest, is one of the most iconic and sacred sites in Bhutan. Perched on the cliffs of the Paro Valley, it is a place of great religious significance and a popular destination for both pilgrims and tourists. The monastery's stunning location and unique architecture make it a must-visit attraction in Bhutan.

Here are some key details about Taktsang Monastery (Tiger's Nest):

Location: Tiger's Nest is located approximately 10 kilometers north of Paro town in Bhutan. It is situated at an elevation of around 3,120 meters (10,240 feet) above sea level.

Legend: The name "Tiger's Nest" comes from a legend that Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava), the Indian saint who introduced Buddhism to Bhutan, flew to this location on the back of a tigress. He meditated in a cave here, and later, a monastery was built on the same site to honor his teachings.

Hiking to Tiger's Nest: Visiting Tiger's Nest involves a hike of approximately 2-3 hours (one way) from the base of the mountain. The trail winds through pine forests and offers breathtaking views of the valley below. There are rest stops and a cafeteria along the way for visitors to take a break.

Cultural and Religious Significance: Tiger's Nest is a sacred site for Bhutanese Buddhists, and it is believed that visiting the monastery brings blessings and spiritual merit. Many Bhutanese people undertake this pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime.

Architecture: The monastery complex consists of four main temples and several other buildings. The main temple, known as the PelPhugLhakhang, houses the sacred meditation cave of Guru Rinpoche.

Tsechu Festival: The ParoTsechu, one of Bhutan's most significant festivals, takes place at the Tiger's Nest once a year. During this festival, colorful mask dances are performed to commemorate Guru Rinpoche's teachings.

Photography: The exterior of Tiger's Nest offers spectacular photo opportunities. However, photography is not allowed inside the temples and monastery buildings.

Guided Tours: Local guides are available for hire at the base of the hike, and they can provide insightful information about the monastery, its history, and the cultural significance.

It's important to note that while the hike to Tiger's Nest is rewarding, it can be physically demanding due to the elevation gain. Visitors should wear comfortable hiking shoes, dress in layers, and carry water and snacks.

Tiger's Nest is a symbol of Bhutanese culture and spirituality, and its remarkable setting and legendary history make it a highlight of any trip to Bhutan. The experience of visiting this revered site is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who undertake the journey.

ParoRinpungDzong: The ParoRinpungDzong, commonly known as RinpungDzong, is a magnificent fortress-monastery located in the Paro Valley of Bhutan. It is one of the most iconic and historically significant dzongs in the country, serving as a prominent administrative and religious center. RinpungDzong is a must-visit attraction for travelers exploring Bhutan's rich cultural heritage and architectural marvels.

Here are some key details about Paro RinpungDzong:

Location: The dzong is situated on the northern edge of the Paro Valley, overlooking the Paro River. It is strategically perched on a hilltop, providing commanding views of the surrounding valley and mountains.

History: RinpungDzong was built in the 17th century by ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal, the first spiritual and temporal ruler of Bhutan. It was constructed to defend the Paro Valley against Tibetan invasions and has served as a stronghold since its establishment.

Architecture: The dzong showcases the classic Bhutanese architectural style with thick whitewashed walls, large wooden doors, and red window frames. It is a fine example of Bhutanese fortress design, featuring impressive courtyards, temples, and administrative offices.

Courtyard and Temples: The dzong's main courtyard, known as the utse, houses the administrative offices and the residence of the monastic body. Several temples and shrines within the dzong hold religious significance, including the UgyenPelri Palace, the main temple dedicated to Guru Rinpoche.

ParoTsechu: RinpungDzong is the venue for the famous ParoTsechu festival, one of Bhutan's most vibrant and important religious festivals. The annual festival usually takes place in spring and includes colorful mask dances and religious rituals.

Accessibility: The dzong is accessible to visitors, and it is open for exploration during non-religious events and ceremonies. Visitors can explore the impressive architecture, intricate wall paintings, and peaceful courtyards.

Visiting ParoRinpungDzong offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in Bhutanese history, culture, and spirituality. Its impressive architecture, religious importance, and panoramic views of the Paro Valley make it a must-see destination for anyone exploring the enchanting kingdom of Bhutan.

Farmhouses and Traditional Villages: Exploring the countryside around Paro, you'll come across traditional Bhutanese farmhouses and villages. This offers an opportunity to experience rural life and see how Bhutanese people live in harmony with nature.


Located at a lower altitude, Punakha is known for its pleasant climate and stunning PunakhaDzong. The PunakhaDzong is one of Bhutan's most beautiful and historically significant fortresses, situated at the confluence of two rivers.

PunakhaDzong : PunakhaDzong, also known as PungtangDechenPhotrangDzong, is one of the most majestic and historically significant dzongs (fortress-monastery) in Bhutan. It is located at the confluence of two rivers, the Pho Chhu (male river) and Mo Chhu (female river), in the Punakha Valley. PunakhaDzong holds great religious, cultural, and administrative importance and is an iconic landmark in Bhutan.

 Here are some key features and information about PunakhaDzong:

Historical Significance: PunakhaDzong was built in 1637 by ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal, the unifier of Bhutan and a revered figure in Bhutanese history. It served as the country's capital and the seat of the government until the capital was moved to Thimphu in the 1950s.

Architecture: The dzong's architecture is a fine example of traditional Bhutanese fortress design. It features thick whitewashed walls, massive wooden doors, and red window frames. The dzong is renowned for its intricate woodwork and beautiful paintings that adorn the interiors.

Religious Significance: The dzong is also an important religious site, housing sacred temples and shrines dedicated to various deities. The main temple, the MachenLhakhang, is home to the sacred remains of ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal.

Tsechu Festival: PunakhaDzong is the venue for the annual PunakhaTshechu, a vibrant religious festival that takes place in early spring. During the festival, colorful mask dances are performed by monks and laymen to honor Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) and celebrate Bhutanese culture.

Location: The strategic location of the dzong at the confluence of the two rivers not only adds to its natural beauty but also serves as a defensive position, making it historically significant in Bhutanese warfare.

Accessibility: PunakhaDzong is easily accessible by road from the capital city, Thimphu, and other major towns. It is a popular destination for both local pilgrims and international tourists.

Suspended Bridge: A traditional wooden cantilever bridge, known as Bazam, connects the dzong to the mainland. This bridge is usually taken down during the monsoon season to prevent damage from flooding.

Visiting PunakhaDzong offers a captivating journey into Bhutan's rich history, architecture, and spiritual heritage. The serene surroundings, combined with the dzong's architectural splendor, create an unforgettable experience that highlights the timeless charm of Bhutan's cultural heritage.

 PunakhaTshechu (Festivals): 

The PunakhaTshechu is a vibrant and religious festival celebrated annually at the PunakhaDzong in Bhutan. Tshechus are among the most important and colorful festivals in Bhutan, and each district holds its own unique festival at different times of the year. The PunakhaTshechu holds special significance due to its historical importance and the grandeur of its celebrations. The festival usually takes place in late February or early March.The highlight of the PunakhaTshechu is the mesmerizing mask dances performed by monks and laymen. These dances, known as cham dances, depict stories from Buddhist mythology, and each mask represents a specific deity or character.It offers a unique opportunity for visitors to witness the rich traditions and vibrant cultural heritage of the country. The festival's joyous and festive ambiance makes it an unforgettable experience for both Bhutanese locals and tourists from around the world.


Bumthang is a district in central Bhutan known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and historical significance. It is often referred to as the "cultural heartland" of Bhutan due to the numerous ancient temples, monasteries, and sacred sites that are scattered throughout the region. Bumthang is made up of four main valleys: Chokhor, Tang, Ura, and Chhume.

JambayLhakhang : JambayLhakhang is an ancient and sacred Buddhist temple located in Bumthang district, Bhutan. It is one of the 108 temples built by the Tibetan king SongtsenGampo in the 7th century to subdue a demoness and spread Buddhism in the region. The temple holds great religious significance and is considered one of the most important and oldest temples in Bhutan.

KurjeyLhakhang: KurjeyLhakhang comprises three temples, with the main temple housing a cave where Guru Rinpoche meditated and left his body imprint on the rock. It is an important religious site for Bhutanese Buddhists.

BumthangNimalungTsechu: The BumthangNimalungTsechu is an annual religious festival held at Nimalung Monastery in the Bumthang district of Bhutan. Tsechus are vibrant and colorful religious festivals celebrated throughout Bhutan, and each district has its own unique tsechu. The NimalungTsechu is one of the significant cultural events in the region, attracting both locals and tourists.The NimalungTsechu takes place at Nimalung Monastery, which is located in the Chhume Valley of Bumthang district. The monastery is a sacred site with historical and religious significance

Meals that you should try in Bhutan

Bhutanese cuisine is rich in flavors and unique in its use of local ingredients. When visiting Bhutan, you should definitely try some traditional dishes to get a taste of the country's authentic flavors. Here are some must-try meals in Bhutan:

EmaDatshi: This is Bhutan's national dish and a staple in Bhutanese cuisine. It consists of chili peppers cooked in a cheese sauce made from a local cheese called "datshi." The dish can be very spicy, so be prepared for some heat!

PhakshaPaa: This is a popular pork dish in Bhutan. It's made with tender pork pieces cooked with red or green chili peppers and sometimes with radishes or spinach.

JashaMaroo or Maru: This is a flavorful chicken dish cooked with garlic, ginger, onions, and a blend of Bhutanese spices. It's often served with rice or traditional buckwheat noodles.

Red Rice: Bhutanese red rice is a staple in Bhutan and is often served with most meals. It has a nutty flavor and is considered healthier than white rice.

Suja or Butter Tea: This traditional Bhutanese tea is made with butter, salt, and tea leaves. It might take some getting used to, but it's a cultural experience to try this beverage.

Ara: This is the local spirit of Bhutan, made from fermented grains like rice, barley, or maize. It's strong and an essential part of Bhutanese social gatherings and festivals.

Hoentay: These are dumplings unique to the Haa Valley in Bhutan. They are filled with turnip leaves, spinach, cheese, and other ingredients, making them a delicious vegetarian option.

When dining in Bhutan, you'll often find meals served with a selection of side dishes, including vegetables, lentils, and various sauces. Bhutanese cuisine can be quite spicy, so if you're not a fan of heat, it's always a good idea to ask for a milder version of certain dishes.

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Gaurav Lamichhane
Mr. Gaurav Lamichhane